How to create keystore for ios

- Open keychain access.
- On the top menu click on keychain access and click on certificate assistant and click on request a certificate from the certificate authority.
- Now the certificate assistant window will open on your screen, enter the email address and common name and select on save to disk and continue.
- Add a unique name for your certificate and click on save.
- Click on done.
- Go to apple developer account
- Go to account and click on membership in the left menu and copy the team id.
- open overview and click on certificates and identifiers.
- Click on certificate and select the plus icon to create a new certificate. Choose apple distribution below the software and click on continue.
- Now upload the certificate signing request file that you generated earlier and click on continue.
- Select download to download the distribution certificate.
- Open the file with keychain access and the select the my certificates tab in the keychain window.
- Now right click on the file and select the export option and add the unique name for the file and save it in the p12 format. And add the password for the p12 file.
- You need to enter your system password to complete the process.
Creating provisioning profile
- Go to apple developer account
- Open certificates, identifiers and profiles screen. Click on profile on the left menu.
- Now click on the plus icon next to the profile. Scroll down to the distribution section and select the option app store. Select continue.
- Select an app id and click on continue.
- Select the certificate you generated earlier and click on continue.
- Now enter the name for the provisioning profile and click on generate.
- Now click on download and save the file to your device.
- Now go to quikapp and upload the iphone distribution certificate you generated earlier.
- Similarly upload the provisioning profile file.
- Enter the distribution certificate password to complete the process.