How to create keystore for android

- First we need to download and install KeyStore Explorer. Visit the following website and follow the Download button.
- Download keystore explorer for your operating system (Windows or Mac OS X recommended). Follow the installation instructions to install KeyStore Explorer. KeyStore Explorer requires Java to be installed on your system. Follow the download and installation instructions on the java website:
- Open KeyStore Explorer and press the button Create a new KeyStore to start creating a keystore file.
- Select JKS as the new KeyStore type
- Press the Generate Key Pair button to start filling the keystore file with authentication keys.
- In Algorithm Selection keep RSA selected with a Key Size of 2048.
- In the next window, make sure Version 3 is selected for Version and SHA-256 with RSA is selected for Signature Algorithm.
- Change the Validity Period to 25 Years.
- The Serial Number field should be left unchanged.
- Now click the book button (Edit name).
- Fill in the fields in the next window with your company details. All fields are required! Click OK to save these details.
- The Name field should now show your company details (abbreviated). Press OK to save the key details.
- You are now asked to fill in an Alias. Fill in anything, but be sure to note it down, as Headjack will ask you for this Alias later.
- Now fill in a Key Password. Keystore files have two (separate) passwords, the Key Password and the (Key)Store Password, make sure to note this password down as your Key Password.
- In the list of keystore entries, you should now see your generated key, identifiable by its Alias. Press the Save button to store your newly generated key to a keystore file.
- Now fill in a Store Password. This password can be different from the Key Password you just filled in, but it does not have to be. Keystore files have two (separate) passwords, the Key Password (which we created in step 11) and the Store Password, make sure to note this password down as your Store Password.
- Save the keystore file anywhere, making sure to end the File name with .keystore. Headjack currently only allows you to upload keystore files if they have the .keystore extension.
Make sure you save the keystore file and passwords in a safe place, because you need them for future updates of your app. If you lose them you can never update your app again in the Play Store.