Apple push notification certificate

The APN allows you to send push notification to your ios app users.
- Login to your apple developer account.
- Click on certificates, identifiers & profiles.
- Go to keys screen. Click on + button to create new key.
- You will be redirected to Register a new key screen.
- Enter a key name (For example: If your app name is Quikapp you can enter the name as Quikapp APN certificate.)
- Check the box next to Apple Push Notification services.
- Click on configure next to sign in with apple.
- Choose your app id from the dropdown.
- Click on save.
- Next, click on continue.
- Select register to register a new key.
- Download your key. (Note: The key can never be downloaded again after you download it once.)
- Copy your key Id.
- Next, upload this key to your Google firebase account.
- Click setting icons in the left panel and select project settings.
- Go to Cloud Messaging screen.
- Click on upload below the APNs Authentication key section.
- Select browse and upload the key file you downloaded from the apple store account.
- Paste your key Id in the field.
- To get your team Id, Go to membership in you apple developer account.
- Copy your team Id.
- Paste it in the team Id field.
- Click on upload.